Alumni Impact Fund

What is the Alumni Impact Fund?

Join a special group of our closest alumni in giving to Cambridge Judge. Every gift, at any level, counts, and will collectively support a broad range of projects across the Business School, allowing us to direct funds to the areas of greatest priority.

By supporting Cambridge Judge Business School through single and regular gifts, you can join the growing number of committed alumni who are already giving back to financially support the Business School and ensuring Cambridge Judge’s position as a global leader in business research and education.

We are inspired by the power of the Cambridge Judge community. Regardless of when you graduated or how much you can give, please join us in supporting the Business School and continue to be part of something special.


Ensure your funds are directed to the areas of greatest priority.

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Latest news

Alumni Council raise money for Student Hardship Fund.

Cambridge Judge Business School's Alumni Council joins together to raise over £8,000 in support for students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier in 2020, in recognition of the unanticipated hardship imposed on students at Cambridge Judge as a result of the coronavirus crisis, Alumni Council chair Rina Einy (EMBA 2014), and Council member Adam Kamyar (EMBA 2014), were inspired to act. Together, Adam and Rina set up a crowdfunding effort to encourage fellow Alumni Council members to come together to contribute to the Cambridge Judge Student Hardship Fund. Cambridge Judge established the Student Hardship Fund to provide hardship grants to those severely affected by COVID. Their aim was to meet and exceed the generous personal donation of £7,000 that Dean Christoph Loch made to support the students through the Student Hardship Fund. Adam then maximised the value of the Alumni Council's contribution by initiating a matched donation from his employer, Winton, bringing the Council's joint contribution to the hardship fund to almost £8,500. Cambridge Judge, and the students affected, are grateful for this above-and-beyond support. "We wanted to show Cambridge Judge students solidarity from the CJBS community during these times, and we were lucky enough that Adam's employer offered a…

Cambridge Judge Student Hardship Fund donations matched.

Dr Angeli Weller (MBA 2001) will match donations up to US$5,000 to the newly launched Cambridge Judge Student Hardship Fund. Cambridge Judge Business School has launched a student hardship fund, initially to support the current cohort of students whose time at the School has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The Cambridge Judge Student Hardship Fund will provide flexible funding that can be combined with the investment the School is already making to help those students who need it most. Initially, donations to the Cambridge Judge Student Hardship Fund will be matched one to one by Dr Angeli Weller, up to US$5,000. "My time in Cambridge and at the School was instrumental in my growth professionally and personally, and this Cambridge MBA cohort is having such a different experience because of the coronavirus pandemic. It must be challenging for them to move to all online teaching, to lose in-person collaboration with classmates, and to miss so many of the special things about Cambridge, like time with friends at College dinners and walks to Grantchester. They're also facing unprecedented hardship as they look for new jobs or try to keep the ones they have. We finished in 2002 after the tech bubble…

What next?

Help invest in the success of Cambridge Judge Business School.

US taxpayers

You can contribute via Cambridge in America (US 501-C-3 organisation). Please specify your gift is for Cambridge Judge Business School Scholarship Fund.
