MBA Global Consulting Project (GCP)


The Global Consulting Project is the culmination of the core course and provides the opportunity for our MBA students to apply their knowledge and skills in the real world. The host organisation identifies an important management issue it would like investigated. A team of 4-6 MBAs then work for a 4-week period to analyse the issues and generate recommendations.

What types of project are possible?

Proposals are welcome on any aspect of management and from any commercial, industrial, public sector or not-for-profit organisation, either in the UK or abroad. Students are usually based at the client organisation for some or all of the project. Previous projects have included complete strategic reviews, benchmarking and best practice analysis, diversification assessments, new market strategies – in short, management assignments of all types. Our hosts have come from Europe, Australia, Latin American, China, Korea, Russia and North America and have included consultancies, multinationals, charities, investment and commercial banks and Cambridge-based technology companies.

Important dates

Proposals deadline: 8 January 2025

Project takes place: 17 March to 18 April 2025

The project is undertaken in teams of 4-6 from mid-March to mid-April each year, with teams typically spending 3 to 4 weeks full-time on the project.

What do I do next?

Complete the online project proposal form

The project proposal submission deadline is 8 January 2025.

Companies wishing to participate should:

Read the MBA GCP briefing notes for 2024/25

View case studies of previous GCPs

Previous cases (2019) (2.8 MB)

Previous cases (2017) (1.9 MB)

Previous cases (2016) (1.9 MB)

Previous cases (2015) (4.1 MB)
